CyberguardiansPH is a non-profit organization that advocates against online sexual abuse and exploitation of children in the Philippines. The organization collaborates with the private sector, governments, and NGOs in crafting adaptive policies against OSAEC, provides technical assistance on cybersecurity protection, hygiene, research, and education.

According to Cyberguardians, the partnership will be advantageous for their advocacy, since Layertech’s expertise on Information Communications Technology (ICT) and Cybersecurity can make anti-OSAEC initiatives more potent. Furthermore, Layertech’s mastery of data mining and analytics offers value in Cyberguardian’s data-driven and informed decision-making for their plans and programs.
Layertech on the other hand is excited to be part of this collaboration, to learn more about ground insights from the anti-OSAEC warriors. The ground insights will inform the company’s development of tech and software solutions, ensuring its effectiveness, inclusivity, and impact on the ground. Layertech has worked on several cybersecurity projects in and out of the country, and the team is confident that the expertise will add value to the collaboration.
Both organizations expect a continuous mutual exchange of learnings, especially on ICT-related issues. The creation of effective modules and training materials are also being explored by both organizations and partners, on top of several other planned activities.
To know more about Cyberguardians, visit their social media pages:
FB – @CyberGuardians2019
IG – @cyberguardiansph_ngo
YT – CyberGuardiansPH NGO
Twitter – @CyberGuardiansP
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