Fifty girls from grades 6-12 proudly presented their coding and robotics projects at the Coding out of Poverty: Empowering Girls with Information Communications and Technology culminating activity or ‘Coding Recital’ held in Casablanca Convention Center, Legazpi City, Philippines on December 2, 2023.

The 50 girls were handpicked by Layertech’s partner schools, Southern Luzon Technological College Foundation Inc. (SLTCFI) and Oro Site High School, together with 10 faculty facilitators, to undergo a three-month, self-paced, hybrid workshop on the basics of Python programming and basic electronics. The girls were given free learning kits and module materials, while the facilitators were given internet and communications allowance, to encourage constant communication with their mentees.
From python-coded educational games, and automated fire detectors, to AI-powered robots, the girls proudly demonstrated their work in front of their parents, teachers, local officials, and decision-makers. DICT Undersecretary Atty. Jocelle Batapa-Sigue delivered a special message of encouragement and support to the participants, and introduced the agency’s Digital Innovation for Women’s Advancement (DIWA), assuring the girls that efforts are constantly being made by the government to bridge the digital gender divide. Also joining the program are the City Government of Legazpi, and the Department of Trade and Industry Region V, who shared the opportunities for the girls moving forward.
Apart from showcasing the work of the girls, the coding recital also aims to drive more support and funding to inclusive STEM education in rural areas and marginalized communities. The recital hopes to dispel the stigma against girls in STEM fields by demonstrating what they can do with gamified and flexible learning resources.

The Coding out of Poverty Program: Empowering Girls in STEM, is a project by IVLP Science and Technology alumna Frei Sangil and Layertech Labs, under the IVLP Impact Awards funded by the US Department of State – Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, with Meridian International as Implementing Partner.
To learn more about the IVLP Impact Award Project, you may visit THIS PAGE.