(March 2, 2023) Layertech’s representative, Frei Sangil, presents the opportunities in data science and analytics for Local Government Units at the 2023 Negros Occidental Digital Careers Expo. In her presentation, Sangil showcased Layertech’s project OCDex and CloudCT Project, wherein Layertech partnered with multiple stakeholders (Academe, Business Organizations, Civil Society Organizations, and Government Agencies) to jointly inform policies and solutions to local challenges.

Sangil also joined the panel with representatives from Packetworks and Starlink Associates. The panel discussed the Internet of Things, Cybersecurity, and Data Privacy, as well as the role of the Academe in promoting data-driven decision-making and innovation.
To know more about project OCDEX please visit www.OCDex.tech | and Cloud CT Project, www.CloudCT.tech