Learn2Code Courses

The Parallel Coder Learn2Code series prepares kids and kids-at-heart to effectively (and enjoyably) enter the digital world!

For more information about group courses, please reach out to: LEARNING@layertechlab.com

Choose your coding course:

Exploring Artificial Intelligence (Coming Soon!)


What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how can it help me with my work? What are the things I need to keep in mind when using AI? Learn the key concepts of AI, best practices, and at the end of the course, MAKE YOUR OWN AI TOOL! Join Faryn and Cipher on this AI journey!

Learn2Code! Beginner Coding for Kids and Teens

Welcome to Learn2Code: Beginner Coding E-Workshop for Kids and Teens!

Designed for kids aged: 8-12 years old. (But we have participants who are 7 years old, up to 15 years old too!)

This course is a three-part interactive e-workshop that will teach you how to make your own games, animation, and how to use other sensors for programming. The participants will learn basic concepts necessary to get into coding, and will help them reinforce the logic needed to start making fun and functional games! The learning modules are designed to be fun, colorful, and interactive too!

Learn2Code! Python Workshop for Teens (and Advanced Kids!)

Welcome to Learn2Code: Python Workshop for Teens (and Advanced Kids!)

Programming is an important skill in today’s world! As things get more and more digital and on-line, coding knowledge is definitely a big PLUS! Python is one of the most popular, most flexible programming languages in the world, with a big community around it (and demand too!).

Get your kids started with programming in a FUN, FLEXIBLE way!

Learn2Code series introduces Python for Teens (and Advanced Kids!). The suggested minimum age is 14 years old. Younger advanced kids may try, but we advise parents to supervise them still.

Electronics Exploration! Learn2Code Hardware Series

Welcome to Electronics Exploration! Learn2Code Hardware Series

Get started on your Electronics journey with Chu, Caly, and Flare! In today’s world of ‘Internet of Things’, knowledge on both software AND hardware is getting more and more valuable!

This self-paced course will teach you key concepts about ELECTRICITYELECTRONICS, and how to MAKE YOUR VERY OWN, WORKING CIRCUITS (Using an actual breadboard and real electronics components)!

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